• Physical Education and Health

    Athletes and sports equipment positioned to spell out PHYSICAL EDUCATION

    Varsity Athletics

    Want to try out for a team? You should know the following:

    Don’t worry about your skill level. As an incoming student your coach is mostly interested in your willingness and desire, as well as your ability to follow directions, be on time, work hard and get along with everyone else.

    Don’t sell yourself short!

    Coaches really want 9th graders since they will be our champions of the future. If you really want to learn the sport and show strong desire, it will go a long way. While some sports have try-outs and have to make cuts, many of our sports are entirely “no-cut” when it comes to skill level. If you want to make the team, your attendance and hard work will make the difference.

    In order to go out for any sport, you must be academically eligible. As an incoming student, if this is your first time in 9th grade, you start with a clean record and are generally eligible. The key now is to maintain your eligibility. Start by coming to school every day, on time, attending every class, and doing your homework. Following those simple steps will help you greatly in attaining passing grades on your tests and then your report cards. With the standards are rising, it is really important that you start now, so you are able to pass your classes and maintain your eligibility. As any ball player knows, it is much harder to play “catch-up.”

    Here’s what you will have to do to be eligible:

    Each term you must pass five subjects plus physical education. Three of the five classes must be majors (but not CTE classes). They should come from the traditional book subjects: English, Math, Science, History, Language. Effective February 1, 2014, students beyond the first year of high school will need to have earned 10 credits (5 full year courses) in the year before their season starts. This will hit you at the end of this year, so prepare now so you won’t miss next year after making the team this season. In addition, eligibility is checked on the second marking period of each semester, at which point you must be passing 5 classes plus physical education and effective this September 2013, must have at least a 65% grade average. So that means don’t just count on passing those fi ve classes you like and not going to the other ones. Those other failures just might drop your average below 65 and make you ineligible. In addition, there is an attendance rule which, effective September 2013, says you must be present in school 90% of each marking period.

    Absences with documentation are excused. Sounds like a lot? Not really. It just means coming to school and doing your work. You’re in high school. You can do it! Your fi rst eligibility check as a 9th grader coming out for a sport would be around the December report card for grades but even the fi rst marking period for attendance.

    In order to come out for any sport, you will also need a parent consent form (for each sport) and a medical exam on the school form (one medical will be okay for all sports for a calendar year).
    Please, first read the Student and Parent Concussion Information Sheet before you sign the parental Consent Form.

    All members of all teams at Long Island City High School are members of the S.O.


    Physical Education

    Bulldog representing Long Island City HS Bulldog Pride


    Dance Beginner & Advanced


    Swimming Beginners & Intermediate 

    Baseball - Softball




    Football Fitness



    Adapted Phys. Ed.


    Health Education

    Human Sexuality – Substance Abuse

    Mental Health – Diet – Disease

    Varsity Athletics

    Interscholastic Teams

    See the list of teams and coaches